Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"The City Rolls On" a window display and other new stuff

I am very excited to announce my first gallery related project in a few months.  "The City Rolls On" will be a window display, and other new stuff created by yours truly.

I was originally contacted by the good folks at Arts On South, to see if I would be interested in participating/installing a show of some kind in one of their participating properties.

(more info on Philadelphia's amazing Arts On South here)

They wound up pairing me with the Bikery, which is the South Philadelphia chapter of Philadelphia's very own Neighborhood Bike Works.  Being an avid biker myself, I was pretty stoked to be able to show in their space, and more importantly contribute to their programs by donating 30% of all proceeds from the show to them.

One of the programs that really got me excited was their after school program for children.  They basically help young kids build a bike of their own from scratch, explaining each little piece and how to maintain it along the way.  They also tie into the physical curriculum other lessons about where a bike can take you: to the library, to a job, to the grocery store, etc. and why these places are important.

The Bikery (508 s. 5th st) is located on 5th street between South st. and Lombard st. in Philadelphia.

There will be an opening reception from 6-8 pm on Friday September 28th and Friday October 26th.

I have been snapping some preview shots as the work progresses on instagram (@bradford_makes) with the hastag #thecityrollson, which you can check out below: